
Membership is at the heart of the Co-op. A co-op is a business owned and governed by its members that operates for their benefit. When people have a common need, they can start a co-op to get it. Cooperation is a powerful tool to help communities meet local needs. As a co-owner of the Co-op you are entitled to an equitable vote in a democratically-run business.

You don’t have to be a member to shop at the Co-op but being a member does mean you enjoy a variety of benefits. All three of our plans are a one-time, fully-refundable and non-transferable investment of $100. 

Member-owners elect the Co-op’s Board of Directors to oversee the long-term development of the Co-op, the general management of store operations, and the financial management of the overall business.

We offer three different memberships

consumer membership

Consumer Membership

The Consumer Membership means you are an owner of the store…read more

producer membership

Producer Membership

The Producer Membership is a separate membership option designed to benefit our local food suppliers…read more

employee membership

Employee Membership

The Employee Membership is an additional membership option available to any employee of the Co-op…read more